
Oh happy day!
I woke up by a call from my old work and they asked me if I could come and work tomorrow. Yes of course!! Then I started the day with a great breakfast, my old "daymom" was here to visit my mom so I kept them company with them for a while before I started to clean my room. Yesterday did I decied to change everything in here so its like a mess now but probably it will look great when Im finished (another day).
Then I went to André for some coffee and talking for a hours, long time no seen! 
And I also booked an education in the end of mars as a professional lash stylist with fake lashes, this will be sooo fun!! Im looking forward to it so much! 
Now am I going to have some cosy time with Wilma, eat Ben&Jerry and watch the Disneymovie frozen before a date with the bed. And 10.00 am I start working tomorrow, hallelujah! 
Buenas noches - beso!